October 13, 2008

Videos for you, Y

Hi Doctor Why

sorry... I mean...
Hi Doctor Y

These 2 videos are especially for you!!!

The 1st one is to tell you that I've got an eye on you. Not exactly me, but you can see it as a matter of fact, that someone is having an eye on you. Or maybe two, or maybe more...

It's called:

The 2nd one is about the way I was, when coming out of your clinic. It's about what you made of me, at the time I left. I became an ugly hard-dancer. And since then, meaning since more the half an year, I'ts up to me, trying to correct your mistakes, trying to get read off all the damages you made!!! And I hope you're aware of the fact that it's only kind of chance, if things didn't get much much worster and uglier then they are right now...

The video is called:

A couple of videos (between others out of the series "personal jesus") will be released soon.