January 20, 2018

brainwashing about HEAVEN & HELL


A.I. is coming, is coming quickly and is coming for real!
For its best (Q-Anon) and for its worst ("We connect or we go down")!

Filthy  ==  Justin Timberlake
[4’Min. 36”Sec.]

OK!?? We can use them for sex?
That's fantastic... That's awsome! That's amazing!!!
As we don't have any other problems, at this point, let's make sex whit the next technology generation.

Now it's official: Justin Timberlake is the little bitch ad-puppet of the enormous brainwashing campaign. He already were there when they made their "insider-joke" with "Ayo Technology".

He questions your judgement capacity: "If you know what's good", meaning that if you know what's good, then welcome all the new technologies, the robots, A.I., brainchips, smart grids, and so on. Look at all those extra smart asians in the video, all those math cracks: they love that thing dancing on stage! And if they do, who are so smart, why shouldn't you do love it? "Your friends, my friends..." We're all friends, humans, machines, skynet, and all the others.

And what's Justin Timberlake for the entertainment industry, is Elon Musk for the so called scientific expertise. Both they have the task to make us love the idea of being chipped, brainchipped. Don't get me wrong: Elon Musk is doing a really great job with Tesla, but even this is already so much bigger then Elon Musk. So, when it comes to A.I. and the fact that he tells us to merge with it or go under... But more about him at a later time.

Brain Computer Interface  ==  TED - Steve Hoffman

Watch until the end! Cause only there you'll hear 2 words about some tiny implications that may us "don't want to jump the gun".
[18’Min. 04”Sec.]

It's such a disgrace: the poor monkeys are still in the boxes, with only their heads out, like it was already the case more then 50 years ago when José Delgado was making the first experiments on this area!

But at least we have one person here telling us what really are possible applications of this technology, even though he does not say how far the development of this technology already has come. But anyhow...

or should he rather say


And what do you think, whit the world in its present shape, which option is more likely to become our reality?

But, as we learned with Truthstream Media on the WEF Panel in Davos
everybody is going to want the brain chip for his own convenience!
Sure, they will make the world a place you will be so excited you won't wait until you can get your brainchip. Already now companies are giving away microchips to their employees,
who have had the chip implanted delight at the “convenience” of it all — imagine being able to purchase snacks at the company cafeteria by simply waving your hand!
[Source: usatoday.com]

Other little brainwashing ad-bitches like Justin Timberlake are Taylor Swift and Viktoria Modesta, with their various efforts to advertising Cyborgs and other kind of scary stuff. As you can see, a really massive campaign is being rolled out to get the people to the next level on the path to the 5G smart grid.

...Ready for it?  ==  Taylor Swift
[3’Min. 31”Sec.]

Viktoria Modesta is also sharing her kind of monogram with initials with Alan Walker, but even further both of them share their symbols with freemasonry.
And nowadays almost everybody is filling up their video clips with NWO symbols like pyramids, allseing eyes, and so on and so on, as if it would be the coolest thing on earth. I hate this shit, I really do hate it. I mean: look at this crap: it's unbelievable. They want to expose young people to such symbolism and make it something absolutely normal for them, like they expose childs to surveillance (even in schools in Zurich, Switzerland, you have an avarage of at least 9 cameras pointing at each and every place where kids are hanging around). Safety and protection, sure, this is okay, but this goes far beyond. Look at this crap...

The Spectre  ==  Alan Walker
[3’Min. 27”Sec.]

Prototype  ==  Viktoria Modesta
[6’Min. 07”Sec.]