July 15, 2019

Voluntarily into 1984


A real good TED by a former google employee about our attention and the loss of self-determination.

They Control Billions of Minds  ==  Tristan Harris

And this is only the beginning, as once we've learned to love these little machines and the "dialogue" we have with them, AI is making its appearance on the scene with Alexa and the next generations of "personal assistents", as well as the smart grid with the "conscious home" (as they call it), and they will not only be able to catch our attention for a specific span of time, they will know everything about our life 24/7, including our emotional states, how many times we flush the toilet and the surveillance of our children and their behaviors and, if required, change our behaviors too. No joke. This is what Google plans to do as on their Patent No. 9,998,803 B2.

Welcome in 1984. Complete control. We go there voluntarily. Will we? It looks like.