June 17, 2019

Learn to Read the Map


Q-Anon (Artificial Intelligence): Learn to read the map.

How To Read The MAP

Here the LINK to the MAP

Unfortunately, as the original video has been deleted by YouTube and I cannot find it on other platforms, I post another video from more or less the same time period, in which different topics of the original video are discussed too.

Midterms & Great Awakening  ==  Robert David Steele

People will find out that Donald Trump was able to avoid a civil war. [...] The Resistance Movement has failed.
Robert David Steele

Twitter is censoring the president. Twitter has cut down to 40% the potential reach of Trump. Facebook has censored Crossfit, which is the single most popular fitness program in the US Army, because they don't agree with their health recommendations.
Robert David Steele

We have denied the world free energy for the last 50 years! With free energy comes unlimited desalinated water and that brings you aquaponic, which means racing food without pesticides. The crimes against humanity that have been committed by the 1% are vastly worst then WW1 and WW2.
Robert David Steele

Public Intelligence Blog:

Memorandums about 9/11 from Robert David Steel to the President Of The United States (POTUS) — over 4 Millions readers:

#UNRIG — Unrigging the System — To restore integrity and truth to governance, to enjoy a transparent government by 2022, that operates with honesty, respecting our planet and the human spirit:

Link to the Robert David Steele Website, with all his publications for free and the list of all his projects and achievements:

The link to the mentioned "Healing Web":

The mentioned video about 5G, with Sasha Stone and Mark Steele

Q for Beginners [1 of 2] Who's Q?  ==  Praying Medic

Video on BitChute: bitchute.com/embed/RFPkchNdORNI/

Q for Beginners [2 of 2] Where's Q?  ==  Praying Medic

Video on BitChute: bitchute.com/embed/7trYFdNFx8ui/

Q's Drops qalerts.app

Q: Learn to Read the (Deep State) Map