May 07, 2020

No PNEUMONIA anymore!


Drop 4041

Chart Showing Steep Drop-off in Weekly Pneumonia Deaths

Q  !!Hs1Jq13jV6  1 May 2020 - 7:15:42 PM


Why are children immune to COVID-19?
How many children die from influenza each year?
Why are elderly more at risk to COVID-19?
How many elderly die from influenza each year?

In Switzerland, we're lucky to have children back at kindergarten and school. In Germany, for example, the government ordered the people to go back at work, but there is nobody looking for the kids. And grandparents are not allowed, as we all know. So, how are the people going to manage this? Well, minister Peter Altmaier said "Maybe one parent will have to stay at home." That's how you solve problems, nowadays: on the back of everyday people. And if you do hang around on the Rosa Luxemburg-Platz in Berlin you will be arrested by the police. Check out the Video by KenFM

From the motion picture "VICE"

It's Time to Wake Up.

Sometimes you can't TELL the public the truth.
It's time to wake up.