August 22, 2012
zuerst musikalisch...
So viele Orte die auf uns warten, meine Heldin...
Die Oster-Insel, Long Island, Seegelschiffe, Japan, Wüsten, South Park, Pferde-Weiden, Tibet, Las Vegas, Inseln, Jamaika, Kuh-Weiden, first Manhattan and then Berlin, Hotels, Saint Maries De La Mer, Resorts, Cuba, Chocolade-Manufakturen, Burning Man, Aruba and Antigua, Konzerte, Syrien, Wiener-Kafees mit Sachertorte, England, Sea-Worlds, Nazareth, Klöster, die Weihnachts-Insel, Bio-Bauernhöfe, Kenia, Kinos, Capri, Museen, Marocco, Molkereien, Ecuador, handwerkliche Betriebe, die Costa Amalfitana, Wasserfälle, Thailand, Portugal, Konditoreien, Island, Andalusien, Friedhöfe, Ägypten, die Camargue, Kamel-Höcker, Wolkenkratzer, die Türkei, Baumhäuser, Tierhöfe, Namibia, Seen, Languedoc, Nepal, Avignon und Arles, Vietnam, Schlösser, Rom, Argentinien, Clubs, Äthiopien, Imbisse, Canada, Künstler-Ateliers, Dubai, die Malediven, Buthan, Montauk, Kapellen, Australien, Wasser-Parks, Brasilien, die Toscana, Geburtshäuser öffentlicher Persöhnlichkeiten, Jerusalem, Alaska, Plantagen, USA querfeldein, spannende Architektur, Dänemark, Uhren-Fabriken, die Algarve, die Seychelles, Wälder, Chile, Kirchen, Madagaskar, Farmen, China, Theater-Säle, Springfield, Libanon, Berge, Perù, Kathedralen, Indien, Gärte, Myanmar, Strände, Palästina, die Formel 1, Bangladesh, Libyen, Capo Verde, Süd-Afrika, Restaurants, der Grand Canyon, Azerbaijan, Galerien, Norwegen, Parks, Mexico, und ich habe bestimmt sehr viele vergessen... Wir haben ein ganzes Leben dazu.
Zuerst einmal müssen wir uns aber mit einer musikalischen Reise zu den Ostern-Inseln begnügen...
Easter Island (Cygnus X Mix) == Art Of Trance
August 20, 2012
Happy Together
Wenn sich das Boot nur noch in kleinen Kreisen fortbewegt, gibt es da nicht viel mehr zu sagen, oder?
August 15, 2012
"Everything will be alright"
Ich habe Aufnahmen von vor einigen Jahren gefunden, meine Heldin. Weisst du noch, wie ich diesen amerikanischen Schlitten "fand"? Wie wir Spass mit den roten Fackeln hatten? Wie wir über Zäune gestiegen sind, um der Musik zu folgen? Es gibt halt Dinge, die sind schon fast ewig gültig...
Honey Bunny == Girls
I know you're out there
you might be right around the corner
and you'll be the girl that I love
No one could take you
no other man can make you an offer
'cause I'll be the one that you want (always)
I've been messing with so many girls
who could give a damn about who I am
They don't like my boney body
They don't like my dirty hair
or the stuff that I say
or the stuff that I'm on
I'm gonna get you honey
I know you're somewhere
and nothing's ever gonna phase me
You'll look at me and know I'm the one
And you will love me
for all the reasons everyone hates me
and we can do whatever we want (always)
I've been messing with so many girls
who could give a damn about who I am
They don't like my boney body
They don't like my dirty hair
or the stuff that I say
or the stuff that I'm on
Mama, she really loved me
Even when I was bad
She'd hold my little hand
and kiss me on the cheek
And when I cried
she would hold me closely
and tell me "everything will be alright"
That woman loved me;
I need a woman who loves
me, me me me me me (yeah)
I know you're out there
you might be right around the corner
and you'll be the girl that I love [x4]
Hier sind weitere Beiträge der Serie "Breaking News" zu finden
July 20, 2012
we'll meet in between
They told us we're eighter black or white. They told us we cannot act differently. According to them, our world is
a) in the very best case, the symbol of Yin & Yang or
b) most likely just the writing on a wall, saying "FUCK IT".
Well... I got news!
Here's our very personal Yin & Yang.
Author unknown
They told us, the full moon is just the exeption: most of the time the moon is just a slice desperately searching for something it will never be able to influence or to reach by itself. If they had a chance, they'd even cut the moon in the middle, just to prove how right they were.
Once more I got news!
Author unknown
The moon will of course be full, one day. You'll be ready to ride. I'll bring my suit to the laundry and hopefully I'll also be ready to ride...
Andrew Zip Leipzig
The black horse will meet the white one. We'll meet in between, my heroine. And we're gonna do what, when finally the moon will be full? We're gonna waste a second of the rest of our life to play basket, on a higly professional level, and when we're done we'll shout out "STRIKE".
Author unknown
But that's another story in another time, when we succeeded in overcoming the binary code in the minds of those crazy little bastards. A time in which we'll be moving between.
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