July 20, 2012

we'll meet in between


They told us we're eighter black or white. They told us we cannot act differently. According to them, our world is
a) in the very best case, the symbol of Yin & Yang or
b) most likely just the writing on a wall, saying "FUCK IT".

Well... I got news!
Here's our very personal Yin & Yang.

Author unknown

They told us, the full moon is just the exeption: most of the time the moon is just a slice desperately searching for something it will never be able to influence or to reach by itself. If they had a chance, they'd even cut the moon in the middle, just to prove how right they were.

Once more I got news!

Author unknown

The moon will of course be full, one day. You'll be ready to ride. I'll bring my suit to the laundry and hopefully I'll also be ready to ride...

Andrew Zip Leipzig

The black horse will meet the white one. We'll meet in between, my heroine. And we're gonna do what, when finally the moon will be full? We're gonna waste a second of the rest of our life to play basket, on a higly professional level, and when we're done we'll shout out "STRIKE".

Author unknown

But that's another story in another time, when we succeeded in overcoming the binary code in the minds of those crazy little bastards. A time in which we'll be moving between.

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