Author: Roberto Rizzato | Source:
A movie in 10 parts to name almost the whole story about Satanism, the pedo-criminality of the elite and the infiltration in every public institution and how, by deception, this all affects the everyday life of everyone. It's a tough movie, it's a long movie of about 3 hours, but it's a movie that names it all. Over 4 millions people have seen the documentary of Janet Ossebaard.
But it's also the story of how times are changing, how the world as we know it will end to exist, it's the story of Q and how the biggest release of intelligence in human history is waking up the masses and, after "The Great Awakening", people are no more willing to let go.
Together with insiders at the highest level of the military, a plan was put in place over many years, for the annihilation of the cabal and the liberation of the people. This one movie names it all.
The Fall Of The Cabal == Janet Ossebaard
Full Movie (parts 1-10) [2°H. 58'Min.]
I don't agree with each and every statement Ossebaard is giving, like for example the talk about a time machine, but I strongly recommend the movie, because the vast majority of the points made are absolutely correct and not known to everyone as in fact they should.
For comfort, I've embedded a non-original version, where all 10 parts are in one piece, without the need to click every now and then to see the continuation. Here is where you find the original files:
Original channel BitChute "FALL CABAL"
Original channel YouTube (a number of videos have been deleted by YouTube!)
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