Showing posts with label america uncovered. Show all posts
Showing posts with label america uncovered. Show all posts

January 06, 2021

A coup? It's historic!

Finally there is a consent: both parties are now convinced, the other is trying to steel the election!

But is Donald Trump really planning a coup to overthrow the elected president? No, he's just looking for having his landslide win certified, or at least for having the american people realizing how it could be that he apparently did not win! However: January 6, 2021: a historic day in Washington D.C. and a very important date for the entire world: the beginning of the aftermath of the presidential election 2020.

«We will have our day in Congress»  ==  Mike Pence
[1’Min. 02”Sec.]

Republicans Fight to Overturn Election  ==  America Uncovered
[13’Min. 40”Sec.]

So let's go through the massive evidence of election fraud, the corrupt system has refused to look at! Now the whole nation, the whole world will see what it is all about! Now masks will fall und the truth will rise.

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